Friday, May 20, 2016


because of your irrational jealousy,
someone might get spit in their food or drinks 

because of your irrational jealousy,
someone might get a bad haircut 

because of your irrational jealousy,
someone might lose a friend 

because of your irrational jealousy,
someone might lose a best friend 

whatever it is,
because of your irrational jealousy,
someone will have to pay the price

Saturday, January 9, 2016

common courtesy..

ni bukan pasal nk banned kaum sendiri ke apa..please keep an open mind..this is just my observation..why do MOST girls/women don't have manners like MOST men do?tak expect pon korang jadi gentleman ke ape..but come on la..basic manners kott..bila aku suarakan,hal kecik pon nk bising2 ke?memang la hal kecik, but manners do come in those little things..just a simple gesture can make someone's day..ini cuma atas pemerhatian aku okay..

situasi 1:
when i was in a restroom..berdiri depan pintu jamban (tunggu turn)..still ada ruang between me and the door supaya org lain boleh lalu lalang..bila pintu jamban tu da terbukak, i was thinking to let the girl next to me to go since she was there's just that she was queuing at the next bathroom stall..tapi belum sempat aku nak offer,that girl terus masuk without looking at me or any gesture..although memang niat aku nak bagi die laluan dulu,tapi memang kuang haja la potong queue orang citenye..nak kata desperate, tak pulak aku nampak..u see,simple thing n manners 

situasi 2:
kawan aku bukak pintu untuk keluar dari palm mall dan dalam masa yg sama, ramai orang nak masuk..the first 3 girls dengan selambanya masuk dekat pintu yg kawan aku tu dah tarik without looking at her,so much as smiling or say thank u..the 4th person is a guy,and when he saw my friend was 'holding' the door for them,he entered and hold the door for my friend so that she can get out..nampak tak nampak tak?

situasi 3:
when driving on a small road yg hanya satu kereta sahaja yg boleh lalu..dua kereta pon masih boleh muat cuma sempit r..this happens most of the times..aku bagi laluan untuk kereta from the opposite direction is a common courtesy to raise your hand as a thank you..tak mengharap pon, ini cuma pemerhatian aku sahaja..99.9% yang buat macam tu adalah lelaki..the other 0.1% adalah perempuan..sepanjang beberapa tahun  aku start drive kereta dan memerhati peoples' manner on the road, when it comes to bagi laluan, boleh kira dengan jari tangan je berapa orang perempuan yg reti berterima kasih..

*come on girls..have some manners..jangan buat muka kerek..make someone's day..and remember, manners maketh man..