aku tak pernah suruh kau cerita kat aku pasal hidup kau sebab memang none of my effin business pon..tapi apa yg aku expect adalah tak tipu aku dengan cerita2 kau..u are the one who tells me 'everything' <kononnya> to begin with..pastu,bila dah kantoi,ko boleh jawab "sori aku tipu ko..tu hal peribadi aku"..what the fuck man! i never fucking ask in the fucking first place!!
what ticks me off the most is you're the one who said,jangan tipu kawan..so,aku rase aku da boleh faham dah kat mana tempat aku dalam hidup ko..well,actually I don't know..but I'm sure as hell it is not friend..
aku still sayang ko macam kawan aku,but sadly, the feeling is not mutual..it hurts